Samson KasoziCo-founder / Engineer


He was interested in manufacturing and started his apprenticeship when he was in primary shcool, and has over 20 year's experience in manufactureing using metalworking and electrical technology.

He established his own workshop and was also a business owner himself.

Graduated from the Robotics course at Kyambogo University, Uganda, 2019.

What is your role at SUNDA?
  • Design and invent 100% reliable SUNDA units 
  • For that, understand the fields through installation and field works
  • Mainly in charge of power supply part and mechanic part, such as valves, water meters, and orange boxes
What makes you want to work at SUNDA?
  • Sunda has given me a chance to help people in life solving solutions
  • As an engineer, I am very happy to put my effort towards a lot of challenges Sunda faces
  • This has been my dream since child to complete a sophisticated machine from scratch by myself
What kind of person are you?
  • Very creative in manufacturing 
  • Love to work with my hands with stronge passtion for manufacturing
  • Very strong both mentally and physically so he is called "Iron man" by those around him