Maiki WashidaOperation manager


Graduated from the Department of International Cooperation and Multicultural Studies, collage of Liberal Arts, Tsuda University in March 2024.
In April 2024, she began working as a Sunda Technology Global member, based in Uganda.
Her interest in Africa began when she was 15 years old. When she was thinking about her future, her father brought home a pamphlet from the international organisation, and she was shocked to learn that there are hundreds of millions of children in the world who can not live to be five years old, which sparked her interest in international cooperation and Africa.
After entering university, she studied international cooperation, development studies, and Africa in earnest, and even studied abroad at SOAS University of London for a year during her studies.
What is your role at SUNDA?
  • Working as operations manager to improve day-to-day operations
  • Management of product manufacturing (e.g. production planning and following-up, management of production teams)
  • General administration, such as HR and accounting
What makes you want to work at SUNDA?
  • While studying development projects and international aid in so-called developing countries at university, I began to think that I would like to visit the actual sites and understand the current situation first-hand through interaction with the local people.
  • The SUNDA system, which enables local people to have continuous access to water, rather than just providing aid in the form of goods, is related to my interests in sustainable development, which is mainly driven by local people.
Her impresstions from other coworkers
  • Loves to eat
  • An indispensable person for many people because of her flexibility in dealing with different cultures and values and her warm personality with a constant smile
  • Respected and dependable due to their strong sense of responsibility, faithful and, above all, her sincere commitment to SUNDA and SUNDA staff